
Injection of PRP into the G-Spot Area.
The G-Shot is a non-surgical procedure designed to enhance sexual pleasure in women by injecting a small amount of hyaluronic acid gel into the G-spot area. The procedure aims to temporarily enlarge the G-spot, making it more sensitive and easier to stimulate during sexual activity.
What is G-Shot?
The G-Shot procedure typically takes only a few minutes to perform and can be done in a healthcare provider’s office. The injection of the gel is done using a small needle and is relatively painless, with minimal downtime or recovery needed.
What are the benefits of G-Shot?
1. Enhanced sensitivity and pleasure in the G-spot area
2. Improved ability to achieve orgasm
3. Increased sexual arousal and intensity during vaginal intercourse
4. Improved sexual confidence and self-esteem
5. Minimal downtime or recovery needed
6. Quick and relatively painless procedure that can be done in a healthcare provider’s office
7. Non-invasive alternative to more invasive surgical procedures
8. Potential for long-lasting results.
9. Improved bladder control and reduced urinary incontinence
10. Safe and natural with low risk of complications.
11. Increased vaginal tightness and elasticity
12. Improved vaginal health and overall wellbeing
13. Non-surgical and minimally invasive
What is the G-Shot process?
What is the G-Shot cost?
Depending on your condition, the expert consulting on your case will recommend the treatments you require, for your treatment goal to be met. Book a consultation today, for clarity on your treatment plan and estimated the cost of G-Shot in Ujjain.
Why choose ICGL?
Our center for reconstructive & cosmetic gynecology in Ujjain houses cutting-edge laser technology which adds an optimal level of accuracy and expertise to the procedure. Our Chief Surgeon, Dr. Indu is a world-renowned reconstructive and cosmetic surgeon specializing in Cosmetic Gynecology.

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